Requirements List Hajj / Umrah

Requirements List Hajj / Umrah

To register please go to the office to include documents Prima Saidah sb

Admission requirements Haji Plus

1. Copy of ID card: 2 (five) pieces
2. Copy of Family Card (KK): 2 (two)
3 Copy of Marriage Certificate: 2 (two)
4. Latest Photo Pas (colored)
     size: 3 x 4 = 35 sheets of 4 x 6 = 10 pieces,
     white background, 85% the size of the position kepala/wajah- face / face being photographed should not be tilted,
     women: wear a veil / hijab color
5. Copy of valid passport with min 8 months 3 syllables
6. Dp Rp.10.100.000 submit to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Initial Deposit $ 4000, -

Umrah Registration Requirements

1. Submit RI passport valid for at least 7 months (the name listed in the passports min. 3 syllables), for example: Salim Mohammed Ilham
2. The original family card and marriage certificate for spouses
3. Original Birth Certificate / diploma for children
4. photocopy of identity card

5. Recent photograph size 4 x 6 = 8 sheets, white background, was the face of 80% (for veiled women and men are free)
6. Down payment of Rp. 3.6 million, -
7. Repayment min. 1 month before departure

Other topics:

Ramadan Umrah

     Plus Packages and Umrah Schedule 2012
     Hajj Travel Package Specials / ONH Plus Quota 2012-2013
     Haji list
     List of Umrah
     Hajj 2012

Register for consultations and
Farida Ningsih, 021-73888872
0812-98-570855, 0815-84-350733,0828-1709-4113

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